4 Days 2 Hope – Women’s Intensive
Have you been hurt or wounded by someone that you love? Have you struggled to “move” beyond the pain, on to healthy normal relationships? Do you feel hopeless? Lonely? Depressed? If so, you are probably experiencing the 3 D’s! Dialogue with the enemy, Despair within your soul, and the Death of your dreams. Christ came that we might have life and that we might have it abundantly! Unfortunately, the enemy of our souls comes to kill, steal and destroy.
But, we have a choice….who we will listen to? Which voice will we follow? Forgiving those who have wounded you will allow you to move from being a victim, to walking in victory! Does this mean that you forget what was done to you? No! Forgiveness does not mean forgetting! But, what it does mean… is that you release the one who has wounded you into God’s hands, and you choose to stop trying to extract payment for their wrongful deeds. By forgiving them, you release yourself from bondage! Do you want to be free? We all have to ask ourselves that question. Then we must ask…what is hindering me from freedom?
During these powerful 4 day weekends, the Hope team lead women through the steps of how to release those who have wounded them and truly walk in forgiveness. Many times when women cannot “get past” the pain, it is because they have unresolved hurts or fears that are blocking them. The goal of the weekend is to identify what is preventing them from moving forward and finding healing through forgiveness. It is amazing to see women go from being wounded and depressed to confident women of God, full of life and energy. These women leave on Sunday, hearing God’s voice and ready to move on to victory!
Frequently asked questions:
Where are the “4 Days”weekends held and when? The weekends are usually held in the Pennsylvania, Illinois, & Florida. The dates vary so check www.witministries.com/wit-events/ for upcoming dates and locations.
What is covered in the cost of the Women’s Intensive weekend? Everything! Airport shuttle, housing, food and material. How many women will be attending? The number varies with each location. Who leads the weekend? The Hope Team has ladies from all over the country serve whose lives have been impacted through the weekend. Each of these ladies has felt the pain of betrayal and suffered the agony of lost hopes and dreams. They each have their own story of how God has taken them from…victim to victorious! They understand your pain and they desire to see you receive healing and become whole again.
Does this mean I have to submit to an abusive relationship? No! Jesus died for you! That is a HUGE value statement! He values you as a person and as a woman! But here is the problem. When we have unresolved issues of bitterness from hurts, we can not always hear Gods voice clearly to know what we should do. Our goal at WIT Ministries is “not” to tell you what to do, but to help you clear your heart and mind so you can hear from God in your situation.
Do you support or recommend divorce? No never, but we do support “people” who are divorced or may feel that divorce is their only option. We believe that people are more important than our “doctrine”.
Do I have to be married to attend? No, single (never been married), widowed, and divorced women are welcome!
Space is limited so register soon! Check the Events tab for upcoming weekends.
Some locations include bunk style lodging.
Airport pickup and drop off varies per location. Please check your EVENT for each weekend.
Due to the nature of this event and the limited spaces available, once your registration is paid, there are no refunds. The weekends always fill up, and that means someone else has been turned away to hold your spot.