Paul Speed is the founder of “Whatever It Takes!” Ministries for couples and “4 Days 2 Freedom” for men. Since 2005, Paul has spoken to thousands of men sharing his personal story of freedom from a life-time of bondage to lust, lying & hypocrisy. He now shares the lessons of freedom he learned and how God restored his relationship with his wife and children.
Although Paul speaks nationally each year, his heart’s desire is to personally help men find freedom from years of bondage to sexual sin. Because of this desire “4 Days 2 Freedom” was born. This 4-day intensive weekend is designed to help men break free from strongholds and addictions (pornography and other sexual addictions, drug addictions, alcoholism, hypocrisy & lying, etc.), as well as learn to walk in freedom from past failures.
It is four days of getting alone with God and other men to find and experience the freedom in Christ your heart longs for. The number of attendees is limited each month to provide as much personal attention as possible. If you are serious about finding freedom in Christ, then this 4-day intensive is for you.
Over the years Paul has found that many of the men who have found freedom, also desired to help others do the same. Part of the power of these 4-Day Intensives is the testimonies and experiences you will hear from many of these men. Along with Paul, you will meet other men who have walked the path where you have been, where you are, and where you want to go.
Are you Thriving or just Surviving? Jesus came that we may have LIFE, and have it MORE ABUNDANTLY! Does this sound like your life? What would you give to be able to thrive in your relationship with Christ, your wife, and others?
How about 4 days? Are you willing to give 4 days?????
4 Days 2 Freedom
Designed to get you on the road to freedom and victory in Christ so you can experience life abundantly!
Coutdown to upcoming weekend
What to Expect
Expect a Life Changing Weekend!
Paul Speed has worked with hundreds of men over the years and seen them set free. Whether it is a pornography addiction, inability to control your thoughts, varying lust issues, lying and patterns of deceitfulness, or you want to restore relationships you have damaged, this weekend is for you. At the weekend intensive you will learn the power of brokenness, how to change the way you think and bring some clarity to your life, and more.
The weekend is designed to provide individual concern to your situation. Because of this we limit the number of attendees (usually 8-10 men). This allows us to give more personal attention than at large conferences. You will be stretched and challenged in your walk with the Lord and others. 4 Days 2 Freedom is designed to get you on the road to freedom and victory in Christ so you can experience life abundantly.
Here are a few of the program’s topics:
• Who does God say I am and what difference does that make?
• Getting free and staying free
• Understanding why you do what you do, and how to stop it
• How to have true intimacy with God and others
• Tearing down strongholds (false beliefs)
• Overcoming lies we believe
• Spiritual warfare – Defeating your enemy
• How to walk in true biblical accountability
Click Here to Register for Upcoming Weekend
For each 4 day intensive, we try to utilize a quiet peaceful setting. The weekend’s format is informal and allows a safe place for men to share. The atmosphere is very relaxed and refreshing. Plus, unlike most programs, this weekend includes housing and meals.
Bunk house style accommodations are available with no further need for travel after arriving. Remember, space is usually limited so register early!
Meals are included beginning with dinner on Thursday night and concluding with breakfast on Sunday.
Check-in is Thursday afternoon, and the first session begins Thursday evening. The 4 day intensive will conclude at lunch on Sunday.
Transportation: In most locations, we offer an airport shuttle. Please contact us before you get your airline ticket if you desire pick-up from an airport.
Cost: $750.00 per person This price is standard for the Tampa weekends. Other locations may vary slightly.
Due to the nature of this event and the limited spaces available, once your registration is paid there are no refunds. The weekends are usually full and that means someone else has been turned away to hold your spot. If a cancellation is necessary, a credit will be given for a future weekend or you may donate your reservation to help someone else in the future.
The following is included with each men’s weekend:
- Lodging
- Meals & Snacks
- Airport shuttle (if using selected airport)
- Workbook and materials
What Others Are Saying…
I wanted to thank you for what you did for me during the weekend–it changed my life. The 4d2f weekend was so much more than I expected–it completely changed me. I feel so free now–it feels so good not to be in bondage, I never want to go back.
– Virginia
I wanted to take a quick moment and thank you again for that 4 days to freedom weekend. More and more I’ve come to realize that God truly does put people in our path to help guide us in the right direction, towards Him. Now we may choose to ignore these people, or may inadvertently miss them, but I thank God that I didn’t miss you. That weekend changed my life, and I know those changes will continue to effect me until the day I die. …Having a firm truth to stand on and to hold fast too is what makes a man a man, and life something that is worth living. I see now more than ever that without God and his truths life is little more than muddled confusion that will numb the mind and heart. But with God and his truths, life makes sense. But more than that, it transforms into something utterly beautiful. It’s an adventure, a battle, and a romance all rolled into a scintillating journey that’s final destination is beyond our wildest dreams.
– North Carolina
I came to 4 Days 2 Freedom looking for tools that would help me break strongholds in my life, and I believe I am leaving with a bag full. Extremely helpful and my eyes are open!
– Indiana
This weekend the Lord showed me how to drop my pride and humble myself. It showed me how awesome the Lord is and that He can do anything!!!
– Florida
I understand now that humility before Christ gives release and restoration. I am now willing and committed to do absolutely anything to restore my marriage and my relationships with my children.
– Texas
God used this event to bring to remembrance again to me of the subtleness of our enemy and that I can have victory in these areas of my life thru Christ. I now realize that this is not about me! My relationship with Christ is foremost important as I seek to mend the hurts and pains caused in my marriage by me. Thanks be to God for this weekend.
– West Virginia
The best 4 days ever spent! Thank you!
– Indiana
This has been one of the most eye opening spiritual experiences of my life. I came not really knowing why I had problems nor understanding why I struggled. I am now confident that this experience is a catalyst for radical change in my life and walk with God.
– Wisconsin
This weekend has helped me solidify and further entrench my victory over issues that have had me bound for years.
– Montana
This weekend I realized that God has a direct stake in me and has been drawing me to Himself, even when I wasn’t listening to Him.
– North Carolina
Thanks for your encouragement and unrelenting transparency. The part going to Jesus for my identity nailed it. I have derived so much of my identity from women, because of many insecurities and the model of my father. It is amazing how the truth sheds light on the darkness.
– Missouri
After the weekend, for the first time in 28 years we really enjoyed just the 2 of us being together. l want you to know what a blessing you are. Thanks for opening up your heart with us. I feel as though I have known you for my whole life. I guess that is because we share a common struggle. Seasoned combat veterans often share the bond that exists between brothers who have persevered in combat situations together. I believe that the men this weekend are in a “fox hole” together with you. Paul, you will only know the extent of the impact you have had on so many once you get to Heaven.
– Louisiana
Thank you for identifying the lies I have been living in. Freedom is right around the corner! I know God has a great plan for my marriage and family. I have been strengthened to do what is right and will do it!
– Indiana
Thank you for the incredible weekend. Hope beyond hope, O blessed my soul! That His truth should break me and thus make me whole.
– Kansas
My eyes have been open once again to God’s truth about me!!! The Lord has given me a new oneness for Him and the courage to continue on in the battle for purity. I can now fight the good fight!
– Minnesota
Just wanted to express my appreciation for the great weekend. It’s amazing the freedom I feel, and the burden that has been lifted by coming totally clean. Not half or 3/4 clean but totally. It has made all the difference. There has been a definite change on the countenance of my wife and children also.
– Florida
Thank you for sharing the weekend with me. I know I am not alone in the struggles of this life. This has truly been a blessing to me. May God bless and keep you!
– Texas
This weekend has shown me so many things that be been missing in may life. I must and will through Christ overcome this struggle!! This weekend has provided me with most importantly…HOPE! Hope that I can be free.
– Canada
Because of WIT Ministries and 4 Days 2 Freedom, I have been transformed with the truth of God’s word. My relationship with my parents is much deeper that it’s ever been, and with that, I am free from the chains which Satan has used to prevent me from having a “true” and real relationship with me savior…Jesus!
– Indiana
This weekend helped me to step back and see the big picture of what i have done to myself and my family. Better still, gaining insight into the power of God beign available for the restoration of my life.
– Wisconsin
This weekend was such a blessing to be open with God and other men. It has allowed me to be able to connect with those I love in a much deeper way. God has done a great work in my life and will continue as I move forward. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
– Iowa
God has shown me who I am and even more clearly, who He is! I now have the step to be free!
– Pennsylvania
This weekend I was able to identify the lies I have believed my whole life. This has given me the hope and freedom to believe that I truly can be free.
– Indiana
4 Days 2 Freedom has shown me God’s straight forward surgical procedure to remove each one of the enemy’s strongholds and lies that have kept me in bondage since I was 9 years old. My wife will be amazed when she sees her husband reprogrammed God’s way!
– Florida
God has showed me that I am not alone. I am surrounded by much better men than I who share the same struggles and how to fight and receive God’s best for my life.
– California
This weekend helped me to identify the lies about myself that I believed and I allowed to shape me into a person with little honor. I learned to renounce the lies, break all personal agreements with these lies, repent from the behaviors I built around these lies, and replace the lies with God’s truth!
– North Carolina
4 Days 2 Freedom has helped me see that I was unable to serve God and trust His will for my life due to my faulty belief system. I learned how to re-train my mind to believe what God’s says about me.
-New York
Thanks so much for 4 Days 2 Freedom! I learned how to humble myself and allow God’s grace to flow through me and break my bondages and walk in true life!
– Minnesota