by paulspeed | May 29, 2015 | Confession, Freedom, Humility, Intimacy, Shame, Truth
Why do we spend so much effort trying to convince those around us we don’t have any flaws? In 2002, after I came clean with Jenny it began to dawn on me that I had spent 39 years of my life pretending to be someone I was not. Was it fear of rejection or not...
by paulspeed | Apr 15, 2015 | Freedom, Intimacy, Love, Shame
In 1967, The Beatles released a song that went straight to number one that said, “All you need is love, love is all you need”. This was, of course, just before The Beatles broke up! Nevertheless, the message does contain some powerful truths. When I look at the life...
by paulspeed | Aug 11, 2014 | Love, Marriage
“I don’t love you anymore!” These are the most painful words a spouse can ever hear. Once spoken, the heart is shattered and only a miracle from God can bring healing. Those words come too quickly and too often in marriages today. Couples give up and walk away leaving...