“Is This Really You, God?”
Have you ever felt God was telling you to do something? You pray about it and sense the Lord’s leading. As you begin to picture the outcome, your desire to fulfill it grows. However, in the end, it doesn’t turn out like we thought it would. Not even...
Love, Lust, and Intimacy
In 1967, The Beatles released a song that went straight to number one that said, “All you need is love, love is all you need”. This was, of course, just before The Beatles broke up! Nevertheless, the message does contain some powerful truths. When I look at the life...
Forgiveness & Reconciliation (Part 1)
Forgiveness & Reconciliation (Part 1) What's the difference? Paul and I have been super busy, which is why you haven't heard from us in a while. We continue to see God do amazing things in the lives of hopeless couples and individuals. The other night, Paul and I...
“I don’t love you anymore!”
“I don’t love you anymore!” These are the most painful words a spouse can ever hear. Once spoken, the heart is shattered and only a miracle from God can bring healing. Those words come too quickly and too often in marriages today. Couples give up and walk away leaving...
Accountability to Overcome
Before accountability can happen, there must be openness. We need to understand each other’s weaknesses and vulnerable areas. This involves confessing all hidden sins to our wives and having a broken heart that desires change. Then we must humble ourselves and...
Go Ye Therefore…
Go Ye Therefore... Before Jenny and I married in 1988, we spent several years as missionaries with Youth With A Mission. Our wedding had a missionary theme with “Go you therefore into all the world...” on the cake decorated as the world, and an open Bible and globe...
How Could We Miss That?
November 18, 2012 started out like any other day. It was a Sunday morning, so we loaded the girls in the van and drove to our church. The boys were not with us because they were attending a weekend retreat. After church, we had lunch, made a few counseling calls, and...
Freedom From Bondage (Paul’s testimony)
Freedom From Bondage Growing up, I had the typical “Leave It to Beaver” family. Mom stayed at home and made sure dinner was on the table at 5:30 when Dad walked through the door. I had one brother, one sister, and everything I could ask for—loving parents, a warm...
couples conference – a series on marriage and how to clean up the past – part 1
For a married couple to resolve current conflicts, they must first clean up the past. Many times our current conflicts are tied to things in the past that were never resolved. In this series on marriage, I will cover different steps that should be considered...
singles conference – so, who is your “real” enemy?
From the beginning of our family’s journey to moral freedom, we realized that we were not each other’s enemy, but that instead, our enemy was Satan and he was seeking to destroy us. One night when I was feeling very defeated about my failures, Jenny reminded me,...